Friday 27 March 2009

Daniel Hannan Devalued Prime Minister

From David Cameron:

I believe this week has marked a defining moment in this economic crisis. For Mervyn King, the Governor of the Bank of England, to come out and say Gordon Brown is wrong to be pursuing a second fiscal stimulus - because the country simply cannot afford it - is an exceptional turn of events. Gordon Brown harangued us for being isolated when we repeatedly said the country could not afford this extra debt. Now it turns out we were right.

I kicked off the week by replying to Gordon Brown's statement on Europe - which brings me on to Dan Hannan's brilliant response to Gordon Brown in the European Parliament. It was so effective and shows the growing power of the internet over TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terrific that, he really savaged the one eyed idiot, who had that awful fixed grin on his ugly mug and was probably scribbling all the swear words known to man on that paper in response !