Every time a BNP leader makes a racist comment and is then accused of race hatred, the Liberal thinkers jump up and down and shout freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is all well and good so long as it does not incite hatred. In the last couple of decades there as been a growing concern over immigration, I believe the general population do not want to stop immigration, but they do want tighter controls placed on it. How many times have you heard people blame the state of the country on the (to quote: "bloody") liberals? The fear I have is the growing potential for a backlash against wishy washy policies. If the government does not address the concerns of the citizens of this country, then people will turn to the BNP who are promising to do so. We are seeing history repeat itself, just as in the 1930's in Germany people are becoming disillusioned with the ability of the major parties ability to protect nationalism. This disillusionment is is not totally rational but it is fuel for the fires that provide power to the BNP's cause.
On the 1 January Last Ditch posted:
BNP ballerina defies rising clamour to sack her
This is a comment I left on the subject:
Ms Clarke may have been lured in by the front the BNP shows in public. If you read some of their policies they do sound attractive to people who are alarmed by media hype. What these poor suckers fail to realise is that these policies are just the respectable tip of the iceberg, below the waterline there is a larger, darker, seething mass of hate.Hitler promised a very similar future for the German people at a time of social unrest. Hitler didn't promise war or mass murder, he promised work, food and a Germany for the German people. If the German people had known the outcome they would not have allowed him to gain power. Monsters don't gain power by being monsters, they gain it by being respectable and preying on peoples fears.
In reply Colin Campbell of Adelaide Green Porridge Cafe wrote:
'Monsters don't gain power by being monsters, they gain it by being respectable and preying on peoples fears.' - As do politicians like Blair and Reid. (yes true)
The BNP is being seen as one of the few parties with a difference. If it is racist, which IMO it is, then the fact that it is being chosen by many more must say something. I would not put myself down as a BNP supporter but I would vote for them as a way of putting rocks on the road for our general political parties. Who all ride in the same truck and would all feel the same impact.
This is my point, people will turn to the BNP through frustration and disillusionment. Only staunch BNP supporters (the real racists) believe the BNP would be able to run a government, these "protest" voters would soon deny they voted BNP if they actually did get in power.
All people are racist to some extent, but we live in a society where it is frowned upon so the worst of the racists are kept in check. If the BNP got in power, slowly but surely it will become more and more acceptable to behave in a racist manner. A group of men will behave in a way that a lone man will not (looting, riots, lynchings etc).
I've made some sweeping comments about the BNP, some will think my comments are unfair or too strong. That's possibly true but I have not called them Fascists or Nazi's, which I don't think they are, but I do think they a racists. The Muslims are the BNP's Jews, several times in the last couple of weeks I've read statements from BNP supporters claiming we are not anti-Semitic. The BNP claim to "Support Israel", this is a marriage of convenience, it suits the BNP's cause as they hate the Muslims more than they hate the Jews.
On the 1 January Last Ditch posted:
BNP ballerina defies rising clamour to sack her
This is a comment I left on the subject:
Ms Clarke may have been lured in by the front the BNP shows in public. If you read some of their policies they do sound attractive to people who are alarmed by media hype. What these poor suckers fail to realise is that these policies are just the respectable tip of the iceberg, below the waterline there is a larger, darker, seething mass of hate.Hitler promised a very similar future for the German people at a time of social unrest. Hitler didn't promise war or mass murder, he promised work, food and a Germany for the German people. If the German people had known the outcome they would not have allowed him to gain power. Monsters don't gain power by being monsters, they gain it by being respectable and preying on peoples fears.
In reply Colin Campbell of Adelaide Green Porridge Cafe wrote:
'Monsters don't gain power by being monsters, they gain it by being respectable and preying on peoples fears.' - As do politicians like Blair and Reid. (yes true)
The BNP is being seen as one of the few parties with a difference. If it is racist, which IMO it is, then the fact that it is being chosen by many more must say something. I would not put myself down as a BNP supporter but I would vote for them as a way of putting rocks on the road for our general political parties. Who all ride in the same truck and would all feel the same impact.
This is my point, people will turn to the BNP through frustration and disillusionment. Only staunch BNP supporters (the real racists) believe the BNP would be able to run a government, these "protest" voters would soon deny they voted BNP if they actually did get in power.
All people are racist to some extent, but we live in a society where it is frowned upon so the worst of the racists are kept in check. If the BNP got in power, slowly but surely it will become more and more acceptable to behave in a racist manner. A group of men will behave in a way that a lone man will not (looting, riots, lynchings etc).
I've made some sweeping comments about the BNP, some will think my comments are unfair or too strong. That's possibly true but I have not called them Fascists or Nazi's, which I don't think they are, but I do think they a racists. The Muslims are the BNP's Jews, several times in the last couple of weeks I've read statements from BNP supporters claiming we are not anti-Semitic. The BNP claim to "Support Israel", this is a marriage of convenience, it suits the BNP's cause as they hate the Muslims more than they hate the Jews.
The picture at the top of this post is of a cover of the booklet Nick Griffin wrote, in it Nick outlined a Jewish conspiracy to brainwash the British people in their own "homeland". In 1998, Griffin was found guilty of distributing material likely to incite racial hatred, for which he received a two-year suspended sentence. In 1997 Nick Griffin announced himself as a Holocaust denier - BNP - supporters of Israel - please do not piss on me and tell me it is raining.
For those of you thinking of voting BNP please read the following poem by Martin Niemöller (1892-1984)
First they came for the communists,
I did not speak out because I was not a communist.
When they came for the social democrats,
I did not speak out because I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews I did not speak out because I was not a Jew;
And when they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
The BNP are not racists. I used to think that they were. That was 3 years ago but I gave them a chance and emailed them to ask to go to one of their branch meetings. A few days later I was invited to one. Since then I have been to 12.
I liked what I saw. there was no racism except for one time. a new members. he believed we were fascists and racists and he was one. He said something racist and everyone booed him out of the hall. he had his membership card ripped up.
I know these people. There is nothing racist about them. I even know the senior guys very well because I have been on the committee of my local BNP for 18 months and I am planning to stand for councillor in May.
The BNP have jews in the party. infact we have our very own jewish councillor on epping forest.
I think Nick Griffin has changed even if he hasn't it doesn't matter because Nick Griffin is not the BNP. He is but one of many equals.
Since Nick Griffin took power membership has more than tripled so he must have persuaded people that he is a none racist and that the party is none racist. Since it has more than tripled the membership now have voting rights that outweigh the racist. They cannot make any racist policies because we will not let them. If Nick tries he will be out on his ear before he knows it. There are many in the BNP who want Nick's job and they are just waiting for him to screw up.
YDKM, I'm genuinely curious about what made you decide to give them a chance?
Also, I have to say I have difficulty accepting that there isn't a single racist in the BNP. I doubt there's any other political party that could truthfully make the same claim. I have a thing about the tendency to see groups of people as identical, undifferentiated from each other. This is as true for the BNP as it is for Muslims, the example I used.
So, from that point of view, sure, not all BNP members are racist. Simone Clarke is married to and has a child with someone of Chinese-Cuban descent, so she, for example, is clearly no believer in racial purity.
On the other hand, you have the evidence put forward by Obsolete that BNP members continue to use racist language on Stormfront, not to mention some pretty unpleasant small print in the BNP manifesto. You also have Unity's exhaustive expose of "Steve Freedom", actually BNP councillor Simon Smith, which reveals a tactic of saying one thing whilst secretly promoting a much nastier agenda.
You might say that's a one-sided portrayal, but give us the other side of the story - point us to the blogs and the bulletin boards where BNP members are condemning the sort of statements that Obsolete and Unity uncovered.
I agree with Colin in this one.
I'm genuinely curious about what made you decide to give them a chance?
I can't remember what made me give them a chance. It could be because I agreed with most of their policies and they were saying they weren't racist so I probably wanted to see who was telling the truth.
I have to say I have difficulty accepting that there isn't a single racist in the BNP
There probably is a few from the old guard infact they have their own blog:
The above blog wants the BNP to go back to the Tyndall years where they wanted forced repatriation and no jews. They Hate Nick Griffin because he has changed the party.
The bloggers are trying to change the BNP from the inside. It's too late now though. There are far too many new BNP for them to change it back.
On the other hand, you have the evidence put forward by Obsolete that BNP members continue to use racist language on Stormfront
Most of the Brits on stormfront are not members of the BNP. There is a few but who cares if they use racist language? they aren't significant members and even if they were it doesn't mean anything.
not to mention some pretty unpleasant small print in the BNP manifesto
You mean the bit about paying people to go to their lands of ethnic origin? How is this unpleasant? No one is making them go.
it also isn't in small print. they have campaigned on this issue since griffin took power.
You also have Unity's exhaustive expose of "Steve Freedom", actually BNP councillor Simon Smith, which reveals a tactic of saying one thing whilst secretly promoting a much nastier agenda.
I actually read the stormfront thread on it a few weeks ago (I sometimes go on stormfront- nickname: you dont know me) and they discussed it and it was found that they weren't the same people. I only looked at the thread once though.
point us to the blogs and the bulletin boards where BNP members are condemning the sort of statements that Obsolete and Unity uncovered.
As you know BNP bloggers have much better things to write about than condeming nameless nobodies on an internet forum.
Yes, Steve, I've just re-read this and see what you mean. Still, I ask you to hold fire just for now.
Excellent post and you have said all that I would have liked to have said myself. The best book I have ever read on the issue is "The Last of the Just" by André Schwartz-Bart. I can see why people in Britain might turn to the BNP and it frightens me, it truly does. Schwartz-Bart shows, rather like the poem you quote, how each of us must stand against every act of racism; otherwise it grows and grows until there is no humanity left.
Thanks Welshcakes,
I'll try and read "The Last of the Just" it sounds like book everyone should study.
Best Regards
YDKM:You mean the bit about paying people to go to their lands of ethnic origin? How is this unpleasant? No one is making them go.
It's deeply, deeply unpleasant.It shows a fundamental misunderstanding of ethnicity - how are you going to prove which is this spurious "land of origin" - but never mind the flawed reasoning, it is evidence that the BNP is still racist in that it sees some people as less desirable than others simply by virtue of their skin co... "ethnic origin".
YDKM:As you know BNP bloggers have much better things to write about than condeming nameless nobodies on an internet forum.
You know what? If I was a BNP member genuinely trying to drive racism from my party, then I can't imagine there would be anything more important for me to be writing about.
You know what else? I don't think that suggesting we dump our rubbish or our prisoners on Africa is obviously a sign of good intent towards that continent.Coming from a BNP member, it leaves a very nasty taste in the mouth. So does focussing on the way some Muslims might be a factor in spreading hospital infections, and ignoring all the other factors - for which there is clear evidence - involved.
What's more, although you posted a comment to my blog dissociating yourself from Islamophobic comments made to your own, you haven't, as of noon, Jan 5, posted a similar comment there. Nor have you picked up on horrible remarks about African "rubbish" and "savages" made again on your own blog. Your own blog. If you won't take on these views there, then where will you?
I really, really, dislike what the BNP stands for. I believe you are trying to spread the impression it has changed and become respectable, in the knowledge that in fact it hasn't. Dog whistles and duck tests. What you have written does nothing to change my mind.
Steve, you don't think the best way to avoid ending up with Nazi-type policies - which for most of us is the real worry - is to allow and promote free expression?
Look at the racism a few years ago in former East Germany. At the time it was reported as a resurgence of racism in Germany, but it seemed to me a symptom of taking the lid off a formerly PC society that had been totally ideologically repressed in the past.
A lot of people out there, I suspect, are resentful of the repression of what they perceive as reasonable views. And if they aren't given a chance to express them, they are far more likely to support an authoritarian regime (or, rather, an alternative authoritarian regime, since in my view we practically have one now).
You cite the Niemoller poem, but by now isn't it more applicable the other way? "First they came for the BNP members, then they came for the creationists, then they came for the climate change sceptics, then they came for the Blair critics, then there was only me left."
Steve, every commenter here, bar ydkm, is onside with your viewpoint. You know, of course, where I'm coming from when I say that ydkm is entitled to his over at his blog.
However, there is another point here. This is YOUR blog I'm in for now and I'm your guest and if you find my comments offensive, then simply block me, man. You have every right.
BNP members, creationists, climate change sceptics and the Blair critics are unlikely to be sent to work camps or the gas chamber.
Young people in society want to shock the previous generation, it's their job. The most obvious way to achieve this in Germany would be to behave like a Nazi.
Most importantly Fabian, I most definitely do not believe allowing people to spew out racist propaganda will put an end to racism.
The point of my post was to point out that the government need to address public concern in a civilised and controlled manner, otherwise the disillusioned will turn to the BNP.
Question: who lives most in fear in today's British society? (1) Members of ethnic minorities or (2) people like Simone Clarke? It's not a rhetorical question, I'm really asking.
Losing your job because of your views is no joke.
PS. Steve, I totally respect your right to leave Blogpower. I have absolutely no beef with that.
I think your blog and referendum are great. Keep up the good work.
At no time have I endorsed the sacking of Ms Clarke. She has not danced about the stage waving a BNP banner nor has she forced her political opinions on her colleagues. I am not against her choosing to join the BNP (though I believe it to be ill-judged), but I would be against her using her position to incite racial hatred - which she has not.
As long as it stays that way I can see no reason for her to be sacked. Even if she does do any of the things that I've mentioned, it would have to be proved that it prevented her from doing her job or broke the rules of her employment.
P.s Thanks for the kind words.
Best Regards
"The BNP are not racists", is like saying Hezbollah love Israel and the Jews.
Ignorance is bliss.
Looks like the Blogosphere has been hijacked by by extremists as the Internet is hijacked by pornographers.
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