UPDATE: For a my recent post on the governments treatment of our Gurkhas and a link to a current petition click HERE.
As I write this the number of people who have signed the Petition to immediately and retrospectively give all Gurkha servicemen and their immediate families past and present british citizenship, stands at 16,928 (19,587). The number of visitors of my blog that have signed the Petition stands at 111 (140) and the number to write emails in support of Mr Pun VC stands at 47 (51). Updates in red.
Thanks to all those who have taken time to show your support for the cause. I would also like to thank my MP Peter Viggers for bringing up Mr Pun's plight with the Home Secretary. If anyone deserves the right to live in this country and receive medical care it is Mr Pun VC.
To remind us of what Mr Pun VC did for us, here is a copy of his Award Citation:
“No. 10119 Rifleman Tullbahadur Pun, 6th Gurkha Rifles, Indian Army.In Burma on June 23rd, 1944, a Battalion of the 6th Gurkha Rifles was ordered to attack the Railway Bridge at Mogaung. Immediately the attack developed the enemy opened concentrated and sustained cross fire at close range from a position known as the Red House and from a strong bunker position two hundred yards to the left of it.So intense was this cross fire that both the leading platoons of 'B' Company, one of which was Rifleman Tulbahadur Pun's, were pinned to the ground and the whole of his Section was wiped out with the exception of himself, the Section commander and one other man. The Section commander immediately led the remaining two men in a charge on the Red House but was at once badly wounded. Rifleman Tulbahadur Pun and his remaining companion continued the charge, but the latter too was immediately wounded.Rifleman Tulbahadur Pun then seized the Bren Gun, and firing from the hip as he went, continued the charge on this heavily bunkered position alone, in the face of the most shattering concentration of automatic fire, directed straight at him. With the dawn coming up behind him, he presented a perfect target to the Japanese. He had to move for thirty yards over open ground, ankle deep in mud, through shell holes and over fallen trees.Despite these overwhelming odds, he reached the Red House and closed with the Japanese occupations. He killed three and put five more to flight and captured two light machine guns and much ammunition. He then gave accurate supporting fire from the bunker to the remainder of his platoon which enabled them to reach their objective.His outstanding courage and superb gallantry in the face of odds which meant almost certain death were most inspiring to all ranks and beyond praise.”
To refuse Mr Pun VC entry to the UK on the grounds of: "You have failed to demonstrate that you have strong ties with the UK." is both shameful to this country and a show of gross disrespect to Mr Pun's service to it.
You can email words of support to: support@vchero.co.uk . All your emails will be put before the Immigration Judge considering Mr Pun VC's appeal.
You can sign a Gurkha Petition: HERE
And you can find your MP: HERE

1 comment:
I hope the a***hole who penned those despicable words "You have failed to demonstrate that you have strong ties with the UK" has been made aware that THEY ARE NOT FIT TO LICK THE BOOTS OF MR PUN! (though I'm almost certain Mr Pun himself would have far too much humility to say it himself).
You should hang your ignorant bloody head in shame, you nothing!!! Learn some respect, you bloody apparachnik!!!
Sorry For that outburst.
And to Mr Pun, Welcome to the country you so VALIANTLY serve, we are forever in your debt, and the debt of all your compatriots who still live by a code long forgotten by those in charge of the UK today. Hope you have a LONG & HAPPY stay here.
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