The Royal Navy and the residents of Portsmouth have received some very good news: First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band has confirmed the decision to invest almost £4bn in super carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales. The new ships will be three times the size of Britain’s current carriers. The First Sea Lord said this decision ensured the service would: “continue to be one of the great navies of the world”.
The First Sea lord also confirmed that the new carriers and the Type 45 Destroyers would be based at Portsmouth. The Admiral went on to say: “This is a powerful statement by a world player. We intend to have a powerful navy in the future – we are a player on the world scene. This decision means that Portsmouth has a very exciting future as a base for the Royal Navy – and the Royal Navy has a great future, something Nelson would have liked.”
As an ex-sailor and Portsmouth resident this is excellent news. The Navy was drifting into decline and this announcement is just the boost the Navy and the country's defence capability needed.
You can read the full story HERE.
UPDATE: Ian of the PJC Journal has left the following comment on this post:
Unfortunately these ships will never see the White Ensign. When they are commissioned, the ring of stars will be the only flag allowed by our Navy, and every other European statexxxx region. If Brown fails to give this country a referendum on the European Constitution, we wont have a country left for a Navy to serve and protect.
I have to agree with Ian 100%. I encourage visitors to this blog who want to see the UK retain its sovereignty to attend the Pro-Referendum Rally being held in London in October. You can get the details of the Rally and register your support at the Pro-Referendum Rally Website by clicking HERE.
You can also sign the E-Petition asking for a Referendum on the EU Treaty by clicking HERE.
Unfortunately these ships will never see the White Ensign.
When they are commissioned, the ring of stars will be the only flag allowed by our Navy, and every other European statexxxx region.
If Brown fails to give this country a referendum on the European Constitution, we wont have a country left for a Navy to serve and protect.
Obviously we all hope that is not the case and we must continue to push for the referendum those gits promised the people. I'll be attending the pro-referendum rally in October and I hope to see you and many other good people there.
I shall indeed be there, you will undoubtedly see me.
There is much work to be done between now and then, the pressure must be maintained.
To invest so much in two large(ish) ships indicates clearly that they are intended for a continental navy. There will be little left for any sort of U.K. navy. Wonder who keeps the E.U. master navy plan? Probably the Germans.
Wonder ...who keeps the nuclear weapons?
An ex sailor myself, I too was fed up with 'we the people' not having a say.
You might be interested in the site I set up to try and do something about it, http://www.myverdict.net
You'll also find a slideshow, featuring some 'crash on deck' photos from WW2, just before the end of hostilities against Japan.
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