That said the speeches would have been worth listening to, if only the crowd had been larger and not so full of people who were obviously nuttier than squirrel sh*t. What was most disappointing was the lack of media coverage. After all the fuss The Sun have made about the referendum, I would have expected them to have run the Rally as their main story. I believe the abortion rally that took place immediately afterwards drew most of the media's attention.
In the end, it was a good day for me but not for the Referendum cause. I had a great time in the pub with DK, Ingram Monk, Robin and several others. Much beer was drunk, the world was put to rights and maybe a just little bit of shite was spoken (by me).
I hope that if another Rally is organised the turn out will be a great deal larger and the media give it the attention it deserves.
Hi Steve,
Hope you got back OK ?
Who was the gentleman from Yarmouth Uni again. He has a blog(?) and some interesting experiences.
Hello Robin,
Just about cheers. Bloody good day though. For the life of me I can't remember his name. I think I've wiped out a few brain cells and I haven't got many to spare.
Hi Steve!
Now I know who you are! :)
I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to have a long chat (being a Tory myself) but It was a great day out!
What time did you guys finish?
Take care mate and we will catch up soon!
GT at BBC-Biased
PS-I'll get John to put you on our blog roll
Hello Thomas,
I've no idea what time I finished, it was late and I was definitely squiffy. Somehow I made it home. One of the last things I remember was looking at the departure board in Waterloo realising I had lost the ability to focus.
We must do it again sometime.
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