Saturday 8 December 2007

Gordon Brown hides from the EU Treaty.

Here we go again, another round of banging our heads against the wall. Next Thursday the EU Treaty will be signed on behalf of Britain. The last sentence should have read: Gordon Brown will sign the EU Treaty on behalf of Britain - but McCavity strikes again. Is it Portugal that he doesn’t like? He’s refused to attend the EU-Africa summit in Portugal, and now he’s bottling out of signing of the EU Treaty. Some say that Brown does not want to be seen as the man who signed the Treaty (bad for the image and all that).

There is however a debate in the House of Commons on Tuesday in which Labour rebels are hoping to maintain the pressure on Gordon Brown to commit to the promised referendum. Pro referendum Labour MP, Ian Davidson said: "We will have a good number of people there to speak against it - in previous debates, we've had the majority of speakers in the Commons, and we could see that again. "Gordon Brown is in a very difficult position on this - he inherited much of the treaty from Tony Blair and now he's saddled with defending it."

Shadow Europe minister Mark Francois, said: "We will use the debate to expose Labour's breach of their solemn election promise to give the British people the final say in a referendum."

It’s important to keep the pressure on Brown to give Britain a referendum. The government will try to get the Treaty ratified in parliament in the New Year - They must be stopped.


Anonymous said...

Maybe then the people will get upset and march down at Whitehall

Daily Referendum said...

Hello Robin,

Sorry I didn't reply earlier but I've just got in from work. About the march - you never know.