Monday 4 February 2008

EU Referendum News - Frank Field to be suspended?

An article in the Liverpool Echo is claiming that local Labour MP Frank Field could face suspension from the party for defying the government over the EU Lisbon Treaty. Frank will be accused of disloyalty for refusing to back down on calling for Labour's 2005 manifesto promise for a referendum to be honoured:

"I will not back down on this. All I am doing is try to ensure that the government follows Labour's election manifesto pledge to give the public a vote."

Frank is not alone, there are several other Labour MPs willing to rebel by backing an all party campaign to force a referendum. The Echo speculates that this rebellion could lead to the defection of some Labour MPs to the Conservative party. I hope that is true, we need a boost at the moment - what with the gap once again closing with Labour in recent polls. One thing is for sure - if any MP should decide to join the Conservatives because they feel it's the only honest way to represent their constituents' wishes, then they are most welcome.


IanPJ said...


I dont think that moving to the Tories would do Frank et al any good either.

This report in England Expects seems to indicate that the Tories have given up the fight anyway.

William Gruff said...

I can't imagine Frank Field defecting to the Conservatives, or the Liberal Democrats either. I think he's much more likely to sit as an independent.

Daily Referendum said...

Mr Gruff,

We'll see. He's been viciously attacked by the party tonight and faces disciplinary action. The best way to get his own back would be to...