Sunday, 20 April 2008

Gordon Brown faces 150 Labour 10p tax rebels.

According to the Sunday Mirror, senior Labour sources have told them that up to 150 Labour MPs are likely to revolt over the abolition of the 10p tax rate. That's not a senior Labour source, it's senior Labour sources. Oh dear, how sad, never mind. What a bloody idiot Gordon Brown turned out to be. The Conservatives have been trying to win over Labours core voters for years. And can you believe it - Gordon Brown has handed young, low paid men and women to them on a plate. Not only that, but he has probably alienated many long term Labour supporters for going against all the party stood for, i.e. defending the country's poorest.

Labour of old cared for our lowest paid citizens, New Labour under Gordon Brown couldn't care less. The abolition of the 10p tax was a con to allow Gordon Brown to cut the 22p rate to 20p - at the cost of the lowest paid (The dipstick thought cutting the 22p rate would look good in the press). Then there is the hike in car tax which was heralded as a Green policy. This seemed to hit the average family with an average family car, not the rich in gas guzzlers. And I don't remember Darling telling us how this money would be spent to save the planet.

It's a money grab by a Prime Minister who has saved nothing, spent too much, borrowed too much and is now desperate for cash - nothing more nothing less.


Anonymous said...

150 rebels I guess when it comes down to it, there'll be about 15. Still this shameful tax on the poorest should scuppour Labour's clain to be the party of the lower paid for a generation,

Andrew Allison said...

Just as the parliamentary Conservative Party made Tony Blair's life easier, Labour are now making David Cameron's life easier. There are many Labour MPs who know they will have to look for new jobs after the next general election. They are ready to hit the self-destruct button very soon.

Letters From A Tory said...

'Revenue neutral' my butt.

Anonymous said...

Fun the 10 p tax cut by selling of some of the queens royal art collection. She has a 10 billiob pound royal art collection. Sell some of that off to pay for tax cut.

Anonymous said...

I heard someone on the radio say that his low paid son would be £50 a year worse off.
£50 a year per person is what the Foreign Office tells us is our cost to the EU (after rebate),if you can bwelieve that low figure.

Stop that instead eh Dirtyeuropeansocialist ? Thats fair.

Quiet_Man said...

150 rebels? Where were they when Labour betrayed this country with the Lisbon treaty? Bastards are afraid now, afraid of losing their snouts in the tough.

Daily Referendum said...


Your idea gets my vote.

Daily Referendum said...

Quiet man,

I agree, where were they on the post office vote? All campaigning in their constituencies to keep them open while voting to close them in parliament. This could be the same - fake protests of disgust to save their arses, only to vote with the government when it comes down to it.

"Look after number one" should be their new motto.