Where should we start? How many voters did Labour lose over the Lisbon Treaty? How many for the closing of our post offices? How many for the shutting down our local A&E wards? How many for closing our local Schools? How many for shutting down our local Maternity Wards? How many for Shutting our local Police Stations at night? How many for stealth taxes? How many for the 10p tax fiasco? How many for uncontrolled immigration? How many for social decay? How many for the loss of 25 million bank account details? How many for the threat of bin tax? How many for the threat of road charging? How many for letting out prisoners early because they failed to build enough prisons? How many for instructing Judges to hand out pathetic sentences because the prisons are full? How many for the smoking ban?
Did you know that 1,000 primary schools have been shut down since 1997? Or that we now have 32,000 less hospital beds - the equivalent to 60 average size hospitals? Or that many of our PCs have been replaced with PCSOs who have next to no powers and the government claim police numbers are up? Did you know that government crime figures show that crime is reducing, while official police figures show that crime is increasing across the board? Did you know that Labour Lords recently passed a bill getting rid of the need for a referendum on our entry into the Euro - another referendum promised by Labour that we won't be getting? Of course you do - that's why so many people voted Conservative recently.
Why the hell are a government who claim to be made up from the "party of the people" shutting down our schools and hospitals when the population is growing? This government's recent demise has little to do with the economy stupid - the damage was already done with an endless string of policies which have infuriated the voters. Even if the economy does turn around Labour are dead and buried. They have ridden rough shod over the people thinking they were untouchable because of their large majority - How wrong they were.
"They have ridden rough shod over the people thinking they were untouchable because of their large majority - How wrong they were".
Well no actually. The people gave them three huge majorities in ten years. The crowd listened carefully to the well honed NuLab propaganda and responded reflexly to the Key words as they were intended. "The many, not the few" believed that Broon had abolished "Boom and Bust" because he said that he had. The Gaderene swine rushed over the edge not once but three times. Was it so difficult to see that Blair was a fake, or Brown fatally flawed? Not at all.
Like a frightened shoal of fish they now want to bolt in the opposite direction. I'm afraid the people get what they deserve, the rubbish on offer, the whole political class, who have but one thought, "How can I get established on the gravy train- for life?.
Thanks for listing all of those sins committed by Brown & co on us in the electorate - a list to keep and not forget amid the myriad further imbecile actions this government will surely inflict upon us.
Cheers Cassius,
Glad you like it. Of course there are far more Labour policies to add to the list.
Sorry, there are more Police Officers than ever before, where do you get that they are being replaced from?
PCSO Blogs,
Grayling wants to turn the disabled into slaves he is a cruel man. Some go into politics to help some go in so thay can force the disbaled to poverty. The later seems to be why the tories go into politics.
PCSO Bloggs... Blimey, does that qualify as a Plastic Blog?
Dirty European Trash commented on his/her/it blog... "Tories want the PM to suffer. So it seems losing an eye and a child is not enough pain to the tories."
Too fucking right mate... I'm not even a Tory... with a proud working class upbringing... and I'd gladly drive slowly over the cunt with a steam roller... and if all the treacherous, faux bleeding heart socialists would lay down in a long line... I'd do them the same favour.
You can post as many links as you like mate. Opinions mean nothing. Show me the FACTS that back up your post. Look at the figures of Police Officers numbers ten years ago (pre PCSO), and now. You’ll see that Police Officer numbers, 141,000, is the highest figure EVER. Not opinions, but fact. That added with the number of Specials 14,000 and 16,000 PCSOs and you have a pretty big bunch of uniformed resources.
PCSO numbers are 16,000 and that is the limit. There was a big push to employ them by early 2008, that’s why Police Officer recruitment was halted (temporarily (and the police federation where complaining)).
If you remember back, they (the Home Office), intended to employ 24,000 of us (PCSOs), they ditched this idea, and replaced it with 16,000, just 2,000 more than the number of Special Constables in the UK. We’re hardly taking over, unless you consider Specials taking over too?
It’s just more misguided Daily Mail kind of sensationalising, that proves nothing. When you delve in a little deeper, you see its all bull-crap.
PCSO Blogs,
Why were you and your13,999 mates hired? We needed more police officers and we got the cheap alternative. How may real coppers could we get for the same price as 14,000 of you? If that is not replacing real cops I don't know what is. And when it comes to police numbers I would take Jan Berry's word over Jacqui Smith's any day.
You missed out the arbitrary, cynical and irrational re-classification of cannabis from class "C" to class "B" but I think Gordon had Dave's support for that particular piece of bad governance so best not say too much eh?
Sorry I’m not debating the rights and wrongs of PCSOs, we'd be here for a while if we did, it's never as clear cut as it seems. I’ve always looked at it as if we are an “extra resource” not a replacement (as they are not lowering police officer numbers, contrary to tabloid trash reporting) as looked at it as being an “
I'd always suggest someone comes out on patrol with me before they make a judgement on something. The Daily Mail (and similar tabloid trash) isn’t the place to get that type of info from. Your party also support PCSOs right?? My post was simply to correct the wrong assumption that Police Officer numbers are down. I’m not taking Jan or Jacqui's word for anything, its facts. Look up the number of Police Constables, not uniformed officers, just Police Constables now, and then look back 10,15,20 years. FACTS.
Have you ever been on patrol with a PCSO? I’m guessing no. I’d also suggest you go out on patrol with a PCSO from BTP or Surrey as apposed to the Metropolitan Police, as they are years behind in terms of training, powers, uniform, and recruitment standards.
BTP would be the best PCSOs to do a shift with; they are the best example of how to get it right. If after that you think we are useless, then I’ll eat my hat!
And we don't need more police officers, we need the paperwork sorted. Have a look at the Sir Flanagans Policing report...
"How may real coppers could we get for the same price as 14,000 of you? "
Maybe 4,000 if you're lucky. Since when has cheap, been bad? Who want's policing on the expensive?
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