Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Irish Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty 12th June 2008

The date has been set for the Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. The 12th of June could be the day the Irish save the UK from the EU superstate. The Irish government under their new Prime Minister, Brian Cowen are supporting the "yes" vote. However a yes result is not set in stone. In a recent poll 38 said yes, 28 no and 34 were undecided. A previous poll was even closer with only a 4 point gap between yes and no.

It's clear that the strength of feeling is stronger amongst the "no" voters, and they are more likely to turn out on voting day. Here's hoping anyway.

Come on you Irish beauties. Do Europe a massive favour and vote NO. Please!

Breaking News: If you are Irish you must read this before voting. Your government has held secret talks in Brussels to get around a 'NO' vote tomorrow.

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1 comment:

The Pub Consultancy Service said...

Dear friends in Ireland, Britain to has been denied the right to vote on this treaty. 400 million people in Europe want a vote. We have all been denied, but under your democratic system you can. Vote wisely. There are many things in the treaty that are to your detriment and frankly only to the advantage of countries like France and Germany. 3/4’s of the population of the EU states wants a no vote. You owe it to yourselves and to them to vote NO. If you need to know why, go to my website at http://www.freedom2choose.co.uk and watch a short video which has been kept away from the main stream media. The peoples of Europe are relying on you don’t let us down