On a more serious note Jacqui Smith MUST be sacked for this fraudulent expense claim. Let me explain why: during my time in the Royal Navy, we were allowed to claim a few trips home on expenses, either the rail fare, or we could claim the petrol money back. If at any time your claim did not match the actual journey undertaken, then you were immediately dishonourably discharged from the service - first offence - zero tolerance - NO IFS - NO BUTS.
Jacqui should not resign - she MUST be sacked.
Not only that, but will man hater Harriet say?
UPDATE: Apparently the naughty films were: Confessions of an MP, and Screwing Joe public.
This video of the hubby apologising is just embarrassing.
Exactly the same applied when I was in the Old Bill. I was once taken to task for claiming phone calls from an hotel room by the very same senior officer I'd phoned!!
I lived in fear of getting my expense claim wrong. Jacqui thinks that saying it was a mistake gets her off the hook. Being the Home Secretary she should know that ignorance of the law is no defence.
Ignorance of the law has never been a barrier to career advancement for Jacqui Smith, Harriet Harman and Vera Baird for example.
I'm sure I once saw a 'photo of Jacqui in black leather miniskirt, holding a whip. Anyone know the URL please? (Or was I just dreaming?)
Wouldn't it be only reasonable to consider Smith's husband a security risk given his dubious taste for pornographic films and given the extremely sensitive nature of Smiths job as Home Secretary
The British public will rightly ignore these peccadilloes and concentrate on the main issues.
It is easy to forget what Britain was like in 1997 - the NHS on its knees, schools crumbling, crime doubled and millions of families still scarred by unemployment over three million and interest rates still recovering from hitting 15 per cent on Black Wednesday.
And while we know that everything is not perfect now, Britain is, without doubt, a better, more prosperous and fairer place.
Your obsessive muck-raking and scandal-mongering isn’t what hard-working families are interested in.
Labour’s commitment to giving real help now and real hope for the future stands in stark contrast to the Tories who would do nothing.
By opposing Labour’s fiscal stimulus, the Conservatives have set themselves against providing real help now for families and businesses. They are committed not just to spending less in a time of need but also to spend less in the future. By doing nothing, they would deepen the downturn and delay the recovery, just as they did in the recessions of the 1980s and 1990s. They would make Britain weaker not stronger for the future.
Labour have accomplished a lot in 12 years. But another 4 years would help us to complete our project of transforming Britain into a happier, more prosperous, diverse, vibrant, 21st Century country that everyone - people of all faiths or none, people of all colours, gay and straight, can be proud of.
LabourPride said:
"And while we know that everything is not perfect now, Britain is, without doubt, a better, more prosperous and fairer place."
"not perfect now"
Oh I do love a good chuckle. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa
It's a socialist boghouse; just like it was after Wilson and Callaghan. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa
Labour Pride: You are an arse
I only have to highlight one area to reduce your claptrap to its true bullshit level:
I despair that Labour, the unions, and the left wing "Child Centered" crowd have condemned thousands if not millions of kids to no viable future. These kids emerge from their schooldays into the high tech 21st century workplace and find themselves UTTERLY UNEMPLOYABLE..
Christ where is your sense of shame?
If I were married to Jacqui Smith I'd want to watch porn. Instead...
I wouldn't touch her with yours...
Jacqui Smith, incompetent hypocrite who harbours sex offenders, needs to be sacked, now! Today we learn that her husband has been watching porn films at the taxpayer’s expense.
If we apply Jacqui’s puritan views on this scandal, her husband should be jailed for abusing the women who were performing in those porn films. This is exactly the twisted logic that Jacqui tried to use in promoting her ridiculous efforts to criminalise prostitution. Despite most prostitution resulting in consensual sex between two adults, Jacqui thinks “people should be charged with rape” (20.11.08 interview in the Guardian).
She went on to say in that interview: “To those who say this is unfair, I say that there are some men whose actions are prolonging the suffering and abuse of women, and that is not fair.” If prostitution abuses women – in Jacqui’s little mind – then porn films do no different.
Consequently, her husband is a criminal, and she is no better for harbouring him. And as Jacqui said before, “ignorance is no excuse”, despite her suffering in many ways.
Does the video remnd you of the MP sketch in Little Britain where David WSalliams used to come to the gateand discuss how he fell over backwards naked whilst decorating a public convenience and fell onto the ypung mans penis completely by mistake
I am torn between two feelings: on one hand I am quite sorry for this lady and her husband - since it seems it was all just a mistake.
On the other hand she has been elected as the country representative. Mistake or not, it's ridiculous how the expenses system works: the politicians are paid very well, yet they claim expenses for almost everything!
But seriously, I though Britain had much bigger trouble than this so-called scandal.
Take care,
3 travel warrants a year wasn't it? and if You went by train You culdn't go via London unless it was necessary even if it took all night.( We weren't on over 60 grand a year either.)
@Labour lickspittle, try having a bit of a chat with some of the " British Public" most of whom can probably remember 1997 when my local hospital was one of the best in the country, now it's a national disgrace. When if you had a decent school round the corner you could reasonably expect your kids to go there not some catastrophic dump 2 miles away, when we werent getting fleeced to pay for useless bankers bonuses and pensions, when the government weren't crippling our pensions with a £5 billion p.a. tax-grab. Oh I had a job too, and as for black Wednesday there never actually were any 15% interest rates or I'd have needed a bail-out. Yes you are right, the British public will rightly concentrate on the main issues, and I can't wait for them to do so.
(As for this tripe about real help for families now I'd like to know what that is, what am I supposed to do with £60.50 per week? you clowns are so deluded You can' even see that nothing has been done.)
Do you even live in this country?
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