How the hell can Tony McNulty claim second home allowance for an house that is only 11 bloody miles from Westminster, and unbelievably only 8 miles from his main residence? The cheeky, cheeky bast*rd. If Labour's employment minister had any decency he would be looking for other employment himself. McNulty's spokesman pushed out the usual rubbish to the press: "Tony is completely compliant with all the regulations around the allowances for second homes.. blah, blah, blah......"
Well he may be compliant with the bloody regulations, but he is without doubt twisting the rules as far as they will go. What McNulty has done is as good as steal from the taxpayer.
McNulty - I want my money back you cheating scumbag!
You may not be surprised to find out that McNulty Voted very strongly against a transparent Parliament.
Now now Steve, calm down and think of your health. Many of them have been 'at it' just some more blatant than others. It's really time the people protested and prospective MPs had to say in their campaign material what expenses they will claim.
I had a wee trawl the other week through the gov website and the number of claims that can be made would have filled a broadsheet far less a blog post.
Tony McNulty is a joke! He has failed to live up to the spirit of the rules and taken every opportunity to manipulate the system to his advantage. God help us for having such public servants who are NOT squeaky clean. Tony McNulty is hardly ever at Harrow East surgeries, takes anywhere between 3- 6 months to give appointments to meet constituents and then either fails to turn up or cancels appointments with very little notice. This bloke doesn't use his parent's Harrow Residence for Parliamentary duties. Shame on you Tony for not saying sorry and for NOT returning the money you have unjustly over-claimed - it's people like you that bring this country to it's economic knees. Very very bad judgment on your part!
Employment Minister Tony McNulty has set a grand example - he's shown us it's better (and easier) to fiddle expenses on second homes than looking for jobs. Message from Tony is - "stay unemployed and fiddle expenses instead. It's easier and I promise you won't get caught!"
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