Thursday 11 June 2009

General Election Poster - Gordon Brown.

Following Gordon Brown's blatant lies about spending cuts at PMQs yesterday, I've knocked up a new General Election poster:


Scott said...

Tory truth versus Labour lies could well be a profitable line of attack for us, if only we were prepared to really get out in front on the spending issue.

A Tory party prepared to tell you the hard truth about public spending versus a Labour Party determined to cover up the truth about inefficiency and waste in the public sector is a contrast that will really resonate. If we could gather the resolve to frame the debate that way we might really begin to break through the cosy consensus on public spending and start to build a base of support for our wider agenda.

John M Ward said...

He looks almost human in that photo…

I like Scott's line: "Tory Truths vs Labour Lies". I too think it could become a slogan.

It's at times like this that I can see why "Doc" Brown (in the Back to the Future films) would say "Great Scott!" :-)

Plenty said...

Yep great poster. But you have one thing wrong. Even when his lips don't move, you know he's lying. It's all in his smile.