All the major papers and news channels have ran articles questioning the government's judgement for not only showing this ad during prime time TV, but for also spending six million pounds of taxpayers' money on it. For example, today the Daily Mail is running the article: It's YOUR fault the kittens and puppies will drown, Daddy!. My petition has been successful in that it has surpassed the 500 signatures required to warrant a response from the government. At the time of writing 770 people have signed the petition, but many more are needed to drive the message home - so please spread the word.
There could be massive ramifications if the ASA find that the claims made in the ad about climate change cannot be substantiated. It will at least open the debate for a while and stop governments forcing man made climate change down our throats as if it was a fact.
You can complain to the ASA by clicking HERE.
Please sign the petition by clicking HERE, or on the drowning puppy.
I also reminded the ASA of the recent High Court decision... taken from the Times Online...
"Al Gore’s award-winning climate change documentary was littered with nine inconvenient untruths, a judge ruled yesterday...
... In what is a rare judicial ruling on what children can see in the class-room, Mr Justice Barton was at pains to point out that the “apocalyptic vision” presented in the film was politically partisan and not an impartial analysis of the science of climate change. "
HH, do you have a link to that particular article?
Steve, in case yours has not arrived yet, please see reply to me from ASA at http://bit.ly/3tlDli
Guys, this is the first time and probably the last I read this blog but I need to leave a comment....
First please give me any scientific evidence that climate change is not occurring and is not human-led.
Second, frighten our children???I have seen way worse ads than this one you mention that were about alcohol abuse, drugs, violent conduct etc... These ads MUST be strong, to educate. People won't get the message otherwise.
Third, please re-consider your positions, document yourself with independent journals and not conservative one. You will benefit of this and you won't regret your past when the world will go to shit because of people thinking irresponsibly like you.
Piero Visconti,
Rome, Italy
... you are an idiot!
if you read the sunday times magazine, 29/11/09... any person with a half functional brain in their head can see that climate change is real and any of you anti-climate change arguments do not have a leg to stand on... maybe you should know your facts before you spout garbage on the internet you complete idiot!
It's official, your dumber than my dog. Congratulations, i'm sure your mother is proud.
I think you meant to say:
It's official, you're dumber than my dog. Congratulations, I'm sure your mother is proud.
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