I've just submitted a No10 petition to "Stop wasting taxpayer's money on climate change propaganda designed to frighten our children.":
The government's latest TV advertisement on climate change is pure propaganda designed to frighten our children. Showing kids a puppy drowning in the centre of what looks like a British town is beyond fiction. It shows a weakness of argument for a government to have to resort to fear to bring the public "in line". This advertisement should be pulled immediately.
The government's latest TV advertisement on climate change is pure propaganda designed to frighten our children. Showing kids a puppy drowning in the centre of what looks like a British town is beyond fiction. It shows a weakness of argument for a government to have to resort to fear to bring the public "in line". This advertisement should be pulled immediately.
I'll provide a link if the petition is accepted.
Click on the drowning puppy to view the advertisement.
I agree
if any socialists hanker after a return to Tony Blair then good luck.
I've filed a complaint with the ASA and I would urge others to do likewise
I think you mean taxpayers' money.
Unless it's just the one person having to cough up all the money.
Standards really have dropped under New Labour.
there are no depths this scum will not plummet
The wastage in so many ways is staggering. It's as if there is all that money to throw around - our money.
This was sent to me by a pal. Have a read I know you'll feel the same way me and my mate feel - bloody disgusted.
Subject: The British Forces Post Office is planned to be a Defence Cut - No Surely!
Dear All, The Government intend to remove the BFPO system as a defence cut! If only some of the Government have seen some Military Service! They really don't have a clue of what they are doing to discipline and morale within the armed forces! Having spent nearly 40 years in the British Military and travelled all over the world, I can assure you that getting your mail is one of the most essential things that have a direct effect on morale and peace of mind of of our service men and women, it is essential that you know your are not forgotten and that your loved ones are OK, news from Home is so important. The Government put our Military into harms way to do their bidding; they then remove the British BFPO Service! Personally, I believe the Government should go before they remove the BFPO system! If you haven't done it before, please petition the Government to scrap this plan.
Thanks for your support Mark Subject: Fw: BFPO
This is scandalous! Please sign the petition below. Though we all understand that defence cuts are to be made, this is an area which affects the families in particular. The BFPO system is the mechanism whereby post is received by our serving soldiers and their families abroad at a postal address recognised as being part of this country, no matter where in the world they are serving, even in war zones. Amongst other things this disenfranchises them if they are postal voters; some credit card providers will not send cards abroad (M&S for example) whereas they will to a BFPO address; it may affect their ability to let their house whilst posted abroad, or away from home; it may take away their tax advantages such as being able to have an ISA whilst posted abroad. It will affect Open University students who have a BFPO address as they will be charged higher fees; it will potentially effect children of serving soldiers when they go to University, as they may not be eligible for student loans/fees to be paid, and will be charged higher fees as they live abroad. They will also be charged different rates for subscriptions etc as they will now have to come via local mail, and not the UK mail.
Please forward this email to as many of your friends as you can.
I saw the advert for the first time lsast night and, despite being prepared for something quite stark and outrasgeous, I was shocked by its crassness and falsehood. This is propaganda pure and simple, not based on fact for science but downright lies.
This is a clear case for the ASA, and I too shall be writing to them.
I saw the advert for the first time last night and, despite being prepared for something quite stark and outrageous, I was shocked by its crassness and falsehood. This is propaganda pure and simple, not based on fact or science but downright lies.
This is a clear case for the ASA, and I too shall be writing to them.
I have sent my letter of complaint... and a request that all Environmentalists should get their Swine-Flu shot... NOW.
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