Sunday, 15 April 2012

Union Political Contribution Opt Out Forms - For Non-Labour voters of Unison, Unite, GMB and USDAW

Are you a member of a Union, but don't vote Labour?  Do you want to stop your Union, giving your money, to the Labour Party?  Here's a little help:

UNISON Opt out form

UNITE Opt out form

GMB:  A form of exemption notice can be obtained by or on behalf of any member either by application at, or by post from, the Head Office or any Branch Office of the Union or from the:

Certification Office for Trade Unions and Employers’ Associations,
22nd Floor, Euston Tower,
286 Euston Road,
London NW1 3JJ.

This form, when filled in, or a written request in a form to the like effect, should be handed or sent to the Secretary of the Branch to which the member belongs.
USDAW: You must Email them to request opt out. Contact form HERE 

Note: For all other Unions click HERE

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure that when you have opted out that you don't have to request a refund - some of these Unions continue to take your money and won't stop until you request a refund.  You may also notice that your opt out may not start until the New Year.  Good Luck!


Jimmy Rimmer said...

ugh... you evil little man

you must be very unhappy

Daily Referendum said...


I don't like the Labour party, and all I'm trying top do is help people like me avoid bankrolling them.

Why should someone who votes Conservative, Lib Dem or any of the others give money to Labour?

Even if this stops just a few quid going to Labour, I will be very happy.

Binny said...

Even if you opt out. It will only mean your money is diverted to "non Labour" campaigning - meaning leaflets in party colours using party messaging but never quite using the word Labour - or the subsidies for the printing and call-centre facilities Labour get for next to nothing.

There is no way to be a member of a Labour-affiliated union and not fund the beast. That's what the unions ARE - a massive slush fund for the Labour Party.