Wednesday 6 August 2008

Guide to political blogging 2008/9 - Update

Sorry for the lack of posts today, I've had a job interview and blogging has had to take a back seat. Normal service will resume tomorrow. I do however have an announcement from Iain Dale:
I have had to bring voting in the Blogging Poll forward by a week to midnight this Friday, 8 August. This is due to our print deadlines for the book slipping by a week. So if you haven't already emailed your Top Ten Political Blogs to

... please do so by the end of Friday this week. The book will be available as a giveaway at the Green, TUC, LibDem, Labour and Conservative conferences. It will also be posted as a PDF on the Total Politics website and as an e-book.

1 comment:

John M Ward said...

Ah! A job interview... Hope it goes well.

I shall need to find myself a job soon, but at my age and as a non-driver I am not expecting (or even seeking) anything much higher than "office junior".