Voting is a bit slow on my Daily Referendum: UK: Europe's Dustbin so I'm going to let it run another day.
In the mean time here's a quick review of my Blogging week.
The week did not start well following my decision to leave Blogpower, a real shame as it is a fantastic idea, it was just not for me.
Things picked up when I came across SomethingFishy thanks to the excelent Fahrenheit's Blog.
Something Fishy's rant about Education was a real tonic, I can honestly say that I have not laughed so much in ages. There is an 18 warning on this post as the language is a little colourful.
I was overjoyed on Sunday when Iain Dale linked to me, it does not hurt to have your blog listed in such a big hitter's side bar. Thanks Iain.
I knocked out my 50 th post also on Sunday (not a lot to shout about I know but it's a start) and I hope to start being more productive now that Christmas and the New Year are behind us.
I came across some interesting blogs, which if you have time are listed in my Blogroll. In particular I would like to mention Spicy Cauldron which is to quote the blog owner is a "veritable cornucopia of queer pagan poetry and opinion."
This weeks Blogger TV was superb, I enjoyed the way the discussion kept slipping away from the subject into party politics. This weeks subject was about blog bullying and you can watch it HERE.
James Cleverly appeared on the first edition of Blogger TV and this week kindly joined my community on MyBlogLog. Hello James. James has got a sore bum today, to find out why please visit his blog.
Well that's about it, I would just like to say well done to Wonko, The BBC Politics Show have asked to interview him on Thursday morning with reference to the unitary authority and the West Midlands NO! campaign's involvement. It's good to see all his hard work starting to pay off.
In the mean time here's a quick review of my Blogging week.
The week did not start well following my decision to leave Blogpower, a real shame as it is a fantastic idea, it was just not for me.
Things picked up when I came across SomethingFishy thanks to the excelent Fahrenheit's Blog.
Something Fishy's rant about Education was a real tonic, I can honestly say that I have not laughed so much in ages. There is an 18 warning on this post as the language is a little colourful.
I was overjoyed on Sunday when Iain Dale linked to me, it does not hurt to have your blog listed in such a big hitter's side bar. Thanks Iain.
I knocked out my 50 th post also on Sunday (not a lot to shout about I know but it's a start) and I hope to start being more productive now that Christmas and the New Year are behind us.
I came across some interesting blogs, which if you have time are listed in my Blogroll. In particular I would like to mention Spicy Cauldron which is to quote the blog owner is a "veritable cornucopia of queer pagan poetry and opinion."
This weeks Blogger TV was superb, I enjoyed the way the discussion kept slipping away from the subject into party politics. This weeks subject was about blog bullying and you can watch it HERE.
James Cleverly appeared on the first edition of Blogger TV and this week kindly joined my community on MyBlogLog. Hello James. James has got a sore bum today, to find out why please visit his blog.
Well that's about it, I would just like to say well done to Wonko, The BBC Politics Show have asked to interview him on Thursday morning with reference to the unitary authority and the West Midlands NO! campaign's involvement. It's good to see all his hard work starting to pay off.
What does the piccie of the "pussers grey" at the top of the post represent?
Intrepid was my first ship.
I spent four excellent years on her. Being an old steam ship it was all about work hard play hard.
I'm sorry to say it looks like she's going to the great razorblade factory in the sky.
I saw her in the Solent a while back, her name and pennant number had been removed, I could not help feeling sorry for her.
Glad to see things picked up. Looking forward to reading your blog a lot in the future too- its always nice when someone like Iain Dale links to you- I just did the philosophy carnival and got tons of visitors and you get a lot of nice feelings- I think the US blogger Kos calls links like that warm fuzzies. Nice to see you had something to perk you up a bit after all the stuff at blogpower.
You are always welcome here.
Thanks for the kind words and I'll see you over at your excellent blog, Westminster Wisdom.
Unfortunately, the BBC pulled out at the last minute due to time constraints but they have promised to get in touch (possibly next week) with a view to doing a programme on the whole regionalisation issue.
The researcher at the Politics Show was horrified to learn that the regional assembly is immune from the Freedom of Information Act.
Hey, thanks for the promo, appreciated! I'm glad to see you've come through all that crap. I've just had to, um, address a certain issue relating to all that - see one of my latest blog entries, you'll get the gist of what's been going on. Thankfully, resolved an irritant easily enough but the whole experience has been, ah, educational... x
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