Just a quick post to let you know that I've joined the Conservative Party. I've always voted Labour, but I feel that they have had their day. This should not influence my writing, any MP, no matter what party they belong to will be criticised if they deserve it. Obviously I will also try to promote any worthy policies that David Cameron produces.
Glad to hear it. Welcome.
"I've always voted Labour".
What, you really mean to say that you couldn't see Blair for what he was? Not once, not twice, not three times? All that mealy mouthed crap about being a straight kind of guy, and you couldn't see what lay behind the mask? I do not believe it! Education, education, education, while standards slumped and you still voted labour?
Time to leave the conservative party everyone.
Man in a Shed,
It's not easy to change political allegiance, you keep hoping that things aren't as bad as they seem.
Thanks for the warm welcome.
LOL. Funny. Have you not tried making friends with real people?
Yes but they never look like their description in the personal adds.
Wonders never cease.
The important thing is to make a decision. Well done Steve.
James, Jeremy,
Thanks for dropping in.
It doesn't hurt to have a government or even a potential one that is concerned about public opinion. The FOI saga, and Cameron's (however late) response to it, show that the people could once again have an influence on how this country is run. I feel Labour have become too used to riding roughshod over public opinion. A new government with a small majority could (I hope) be more accountable to the people.
Hi Steve - I only just noticed your membership in your updated sidebar profile so I clicked back through your posts. A warm welcome from me. Delighted to call a man like yourself a fellow party member. All the best. PT
Thanks PT,
I'm still waiting for my membership card. Any idea of how long they take to arrive?
They failed to send mine through for ages... The plus was that they set the expiry date back a bit too.
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