The Sun have done the people of this country a great service today by starting their campaign for a referendum on the EU Treaty. You can read their article: Greatest threat since WW2 by clicking HERE. You will notice that they also have an excellent graphic depicting Gordon Brown giving the British people the two fingered salute. You can also sign The Sun's EU Petition by clicking HERE.
The Sun's timing is perfect, given that Uncle Joe Brown will stand up in front of the Labour party faithful this morning and tell them bare faced lies. He will repeat the lies he told us in his last speech:
"Many will recall that when taking office I emphasised that the government must listen and learn. Now I say we must do more. We must engage and involve with people on the issues they face in their everyday lives. I believe that Britain needs a new type of politics which embraces everyone in this nation, not just a select few. A politics built on consensus, not division. A politics built on engaging with people, not excluding them. A politics that draws on the widest range of talents and expertise, not the narrow circles of power."
How can anyone justify the actions of Uncle Joe when 96 of the 120 motions submitted to the Labour party conference by constituency parties and unions have been ruled out of order. These include motions on Iraq and the Trident nuclear weapons system. Gordon will only allow motions that will not cause him any embarrassment, even if they come from the party faithful.
Does anyone, including Labour supporters, believe a word of what Uncle Joe Brown said? He is refusing to allow us our say in a referendum on the EU Treaty. He won't give us permission to have a referendum for one reason only: we will vote NO. And Uncle Joe will not have the little people question his authority, he's waited too long to seize power to share it with the workers. And he certainly will not allow party members to ask awkward questions at the conference while he's in charge.
Now forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't the government supposed work for us in this so called democracy? Let me tell you how politics in this country really works: you vote someone into power, and if they have a big enough majority they can pass any laws they care to and they can totally ignore the wishes of those that voted them in. The only time you have any control over how this country is run is at the precise moment you put an X next to someones name. Don't waste that vote.
To find out more information about the pro-referendum rally that will take place in London this October, click on the graphic above.
It'll be interesting how (or if) this all plays out with any decision on an election.
I think it will put Gordon off. The Sun as a massive influence on the voters.
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