The recruitment figures for the armed forces are already very poor and this new law is only going to make matters worse. Most young men and women join the armed forces at 16 or 17 and stopping them buying cigarettes is not going to help recruitment. Today there are many members of the armed forces who are going to be told they can no longer buy cigarettes. You can serve your country but you can't smoke - marvelous. It would not have been too difficult to put in place an exemption.
This government think it is their job to force you to live your life as they see fit. I can understand banning smoking in some public places, but why ban it in places that have been set up for smokers? Most work places had ventilated smoking rooms in which only smokers ever entered - what harm where they doing to non-smokers? Airports had smoking booths set up, which were completely surrounded by smoke filters - what harm where they causing to non-smokers?
This new law, like the blanket public smoking ban, is just another example of Labour taking the easy option and saying sod you to the public.
I agree with you 100%, Steve. If you are addicted to smoking at the age of 17, you are not going to stop because suddenly it has become illegal. More crap legislation from the most instrusive government Britain has known.
Cheers Andrew.
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