Friday 14 March 2008

Roger Helmer MEP fined £600 for referendum protest.

Roger Helmer MEP Roger Helmer MEP has been fined £600 for his part in the demonstration for a referendum in the parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg in December. Only fourteen members were singled out by President of the parliament Hans-Gert Poettering MEP for punishment. Roger says:

"I am considering whether to appeal (as I can, under parliamentary rules), and there are good grounds for doing so. So far as I am aware no MEP has complained of my behaviour in December."
It's obvious to anyone who has seen footage of the demonstration that a damn sight more than fourteen MEPs were involved in the demonstration. So why single out these fourteen? One of those accused by Hans-Gert Poettering (Andreas Molzer, an Austrian non-inscrit MEP) wasn't even present on the day.

It stinks.

Full story HERE.

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