Saturday 21 April 2007

St George won't be Cross with Tim Allard (Good Man!)

Tim Allard, a proud St George’s Cross flying Kent businessman is giving his 40 staff the day off on Monday. Tim feels that St George's Day should be a holiday in England and wants more company bosses to follow suit. Tim will continue to declare 23 April as a holiday for his employees in future years.

Tim said: "I'd rather do something practical than stand back and watch our heritage being dismantled." There are thousands of other company bosses who must share my own deep concerns. It would only need a few to take the same step for this idea to snowball."

One of Tim’s staff said: "We should have the right to be proud to be English."

Bob Peedle, of the Royal Society of St George, said: "The Scots do it very well on Burns Night and St Andrew's Day, and the Irish on St Patrick's Day, and the Welsh on St David's Day. We haven't done it. We ought to."

Good on you Tim!

Come on England, you know it makes sense: BE PROUD TO BE ENGLISH!

Bombardier Beer are supporting the 'make St. George's day a national holiday' petition.

To sign the petition click HERE.

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