Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Gordon Brown will be forced to step down in May.

As I said in a couple of posts from last year - Gordon Brown will be forced to step down (by his own ministers) in May. Well, he may not be gone in May, but the process will have been officially started. The man is a liability not just to his party, but to the whole country. You've only to take a look at my previous post: Gordon Mavis Brown - Oooh, he doesn't really know. - to remember what a pathetic attempt at being the Prime Minister he has made over the last nine months. When Brown can tell outright lies like THIS without blushing, either he thinks the electorate are thick, or he doesn't give a monkey's what we the little people think.

When Labour first came into power back in 97, I was pleased that they poured money into our public services. What I have not been pleased with since, is that they have continued to pour, without wondering why the public service cup remained empty year after year. They have failed to manage our investment in those services. They throw money (ours) at problems, seemingly without having a clue what the outcome will be.

Gordon Brown must go and soon - I should as a Conservative party member want him to stay. If by some bizarre fluke Brown is still Prime Minister come the General Election, the Conservative party will win by a landslide. However, I don't think the country can put up with more of his dithering, his lies, his fake smile, his arrogance and his downright contempt for democracy (Lisbon Treaty). The man is an embarrassment on the world stage, who always looks for the easy way out - no matter how pathetic he makes this country appear.

I hope to God I'm right when I say he will be going in May.


Gareth said...

Mavis is a great nickname for Brown.

I think it could take off.

Daily Referendum said...


Oooh, I don't really know.

James Higham said...

How sure are you of that?

Daily Referendum said...


If the May elections go as predicted, I'm more than 50% sure that may will see the start of his demise.

Anonymous said...

His demise started the day he assumed the title of Prime Minister .....

Kalvis Jansons said...

I think you are right. In the meantime, there is one force we can control directly. The number of people who have signed the Brown "please go" petition is increasing, and it will soon to hit 50,000:


Unknown said...

I'd love it if he step down - join my campaign http://www.stepdowngordonbrown.co.uk/