I cannot believe that they are considering bringing back Ken Clarke. According to Andrew Porter from the Telegraph, George Osborne is said to welcome the move. I will tell you now that bringing back Clarke will destroy any chance the Conservative party has of winning the next General Election. There is no place on the front bench for a Europhile.
Bring back Clarke and watch the poll ratings plummet.
Simple he comes back,I don't vote Conservative.
I'll still vote Tory, but only because even with Clarke they are better than Labour. However, I feel that I will be now wasting my vote.
Dear God! Are they really trying to win the next election? Or could it just be a cunning plan to let Labour get back in to take the real blame for the mess we're in?
Electoral suicide.
Take the twat out somewhere and shoot him. He doesn't float my boat and never has. Buffoon!!
Ken Clarke cannot be trusted,this countries ills are all due to being in the EU and Ken is so pro EU,it makes him dangerous.
The man is an idiot, and so damn smug with it. He will really hurt the Tories, given a chance.
Agree with all the comments here.
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