Monday 1 March 2010

Gordon Brown, tough on crime? - my backside.

I can't believe that Gordon Brown is now taking notice of crime in this country after not being at all bothered in the past. Actually I can believe it, seeing as were just weeks away from a General Election. And isn't it funny that after letting tens of thousands of prisoners out of prison early, he now says he's going to stop that just before the election. What we need, but what he will not offer, is the extra prison places we have needed desperately for years.

People have been attacked, murdered and raped by the dangerous people Labour let out of prison early - all because Gordon Brown would not commit to building prisons. He was happy to waste billions on I.D cards and numerous other failed I.T projects, but he wasn't happy to build the prisons that were needed to keep people safe.

The figures of crime may have fallen, but in real life we know what the true situation is - crime is on the up - but people are becoming desensitised and don't bother to report it.


Bill (Transcriber) said...

Browns attention to the issues of criminality will extend to the day after the general election. If he wins (Oh...God forbid!) he will be much too busy grandstanding on the world stage to worry about the safety and security of the average elector.

Anonymous said...

I think Billo's got it in a oner.

The call of Obama makes him forget about little old ladies being bashed over the head for crack money....

merv said...

Sorry but you miss the point completly,since the fat fucking one eyed dipshit signed us up to the lisbon treaty,your vote and your opinion no longer matter.WE no longer exist as a sovreign nation(read the lisbon treaty).We are now the slaves of an unelected Politburo and we are fucked unless we as a nation WAKE UP.