Wednesday, 26 September 2007

David Cameron - Promises the people an EU Treaty Referendum

David Cameron has done today what Gordon Brown and the Labour party have failed to do this week at their conference. He has promised to keep democracy alive in the UK.

In a signed letter to The Sun, David made the following commitment:

"Today, I will give this cast-iron guarantee: If I become PM a Conservative government will hold a referendum on any EU treaty that emerges from these negotiations."

This is a short extract of the letter:

On Monday The Sun’s image of Gordon Brown sticking two fingers up to the British public was provocative. But it was right. What a difference to Churchill. When he made that salute, it inspired this country to wipe the scourge of fascism from Europe. But for Gordon Brown, it’s a gesture to the British people saying: “I know best. Your views are irrelevant. Get used to it.”

To read the rest of David Cameron's letter to the people click HERE.


Anonymous said...

The Referendum is only stage 1.

Will Cameron then campaign for a YES or NO vote.

Which direction is he taking the Tories.

Daily Referendum said...

That I don't know yet but it is a definite improvement on what Brown is offering. If it's any help, I'm a Tory party member and I will vote NO NO NO to the Treaty.

Anonymous said...

Churchill never held up two fingers at the public, odd that Cameron didn't seem to be aware of this. Churchill made a V sign with the palmar surface of the two fingers facing the public, quite different.Also, Cameron is only offering a referendum on the EU treaty, not on whether we stay in the EU or leave it. None of the THREE SCOTSMEN want to leave the EU.