Later today, Gordon brown will let MPs know what happened during the EU summit. This will mark the start of the Conservative campaign to get the people the referendum that Tony Blair promised. It's a job that would be a lot easier if the LibDems had not also gone back on their manifesto promise. The outcome of the parliamentary vote will come down to one thing and one thing only: how many of the 120 reported pro referendum Labour MPs can be forced by their Whips to go against their moral judgement.
Is that democracy?
The two Lib Dem leadership candidates are both pro-Europe, and I suspect the Labour MPs will bottle it apart from a few renegades - so basically, we're screwed.
Too late, methinks but good luck to the Tories anyway.
I will be attending the pro referendum rally at the weekend. If the Tory party fails, it will be up to us to make our feelings on this matter very clear to the government.
There should be protest after protest and the world's media should be shown that the government that is trying to export democracy to the rest of the world is a fake.
Got it in one, methinks.
Cheers James.
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