Here goes:
Con: 20539
lab 12679
Lib: 6044
Get in!
That fantastic result equates to a swing of 17.6% and a majority of almost 8,000. What now for Gordon Brown? What is that scraping sound I can hear? - it sounds a little like several knives being sharpened.
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UPDATE @02:45: John McDonnell is the first Labour MP to stick the knife into Gordon Brown this morning. I doubt very much that he will be the last:
"Things are just going from bad to worse for the Government. "It would be an immense misreading of the situation for New Labour ministers to dismiss this result as simply mid-term blues. The prime minister's re-launch after the disaster of the local election results has proved to be totally ineffective."
Oh happy days.
Things can only get better:)
That's what we said in 1997.
Mr Gruff,
Yes I was referring to that. Just a bit of fun. When Labour played that song they forgot to mention that it may take 12 or so years.
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